Wargame red dragon good decks
Wargame red dragon good decks

wargame red dragon good decks

wargame red dragon good decks

Aside from an obvious superiority in infantry combat, they are classified as a recon unit, allowing them to spot enemy forces from a long way off while remaining undetected, and they carry around a set of Spike-MR anti-tank missiles, allowing them to independently spot and kill most land vehicles in the game from standoff range. The Israeli DLC introduces the Maglan unit, a ten-man (of course, they have been nerfed to a 5-men squad, and as a result, more vulnerable to blind bombing or mortar/artillery fire, and tank main guns, etc) special forces squad packing more firepower than almost any other infantry unit in the game.Its only weaknesses are its vulnerability to SEAD missiles, low availability, and general frailty. As a rapid-fire 76mm naval gun mounted onto a tank, the " Otomagic" can obliterate almost any unit that walks, rolls, or flies.


  • The free Norse Dragons expansion pack adds the Otomatic, an Italian prototype SPAAG, to Denmark.
  • That and planes, since only a few helicopters can actually fire back at planes. The main counter is anti-air infantry in cover and positioning your anti-air vehicles so the helicopters won't see them until they're right on top of them, decreasing the number of helicopters that can shoot back at once and increasing the chance that the AA will hit, making them more likely to take the helicopter down quickly so they can move on to another. There's almost NO way to stop them since most anti-helicopter units are ground-based, can only engage one target at a time and will be quickly swarmed without very good position helicopter with anti-air missile performs better, but they can only shoot down one or two enemies before running out of ammo. Warsaw pact can deploy a large amount of cheap, well-armed, and armored gunship helicopters.
  • The most infamous one is "helicopter rush".
  • Game-Breaker: While the game is well balanced enough that no tactic is an instant win, various tactics are superior and if not countered, can lead to a swift death:.
  • For larger games, the most common maps tend to be Strait to the Point (large) and those that are not too large with distinct lanes like Jungle LAW.
  • wargame red dragon good decks

    For 1v1s, the most common maps seem to be Mud Fight!, Highway to Seoul (small), Another D-Day in Paradise (small), Punchbowl, and Paddy Field (small).

    Wargame red dragon good decks